27 March 2008

The Dance

When my youngest brother, Devin, was a toddler, I was 13 years old. As the eldest child, I did my best to help my mom with the baby. One of the things I liked doing the most was picking him up and dancing with him to the tune of Chicago's "You're the Inspiration." As Devin has grown up, he has heard me talk about that time in his life. 

Yesterday, Devin got married.

Because he and his wife (yes, I'm freaking out, too) met at a dance place, they set up the reception to include dancing. When "You're the Inspiration" played, my baby brother took my hand, led me out onto the dance floor, and danced with me. He looked down at me (he's been much taller than I am for some time now) and said, "It's a little different now, isn't it?" I danced the rest of the dance in tears.


Julia said...

You can't top that.

Rojahn Family said...

Gosh, you know how the write and make a gal cry, Kirsten. I love your blog. Read, looked at and watched it all and I just love you!