06 September 2011

Ear Wax

The following is a message I wrote to the sisters in my ward.

Dearest Sisters,

I recently had an interesting experience I would like to share with you. It all started after I went swimming with my nieces a few weeks ago. My right ear clogged up and I couldn't hear very well. It was quite irritating, although it was not at all painful. I was, as usual, stubborn and refused to go to a professional. I purchased swimmer's ear drops and an ear wax removal system, neither of which turned out to be effective. Finally, after 5 days of near deafness in that ear, I humbled myself and went to the doctor. They flushed my ear out and I was again able to hear normally. I was so very grateful! I started to think about how sensitive the ear is. It is so sensitive that it only takes a few tiny bits of wax to clog it right up to the point that hearing is a struggle. Then I thought about how sensitive our spiritual ears are. The smallest bits of inappropriate material, words, actions, thoughts, etc., can clog us right up to the point that we are unable to hear the spiritual promptings Heavenly Father would send us through the Holy Ghost. If we humble ourselves, we can partake of that spiritual ear flushing that will restore our ability to hear and listen with our spiritual ears.

We are indeed daughters of a loving Heavenly Father and because of our divine nature and the love He has for us, we have a way to get back home. And you know what? We're worth it!

I love you.

Kirsten Abel


SydneyMin said...

Wow - glad you can hear! My husband had a similar experience - after swimming at a hotel pool. We eventually had to go to a specialist who prescribed ear drops for what was by then a very intense infection. It took a week or two for his hearing to return to normal. It really makes you appreciate hearing! I liked your analogy :)

Katie said...

What a good thought and reminder. The Holy Ghost is our still small voice.