30 January 2009

Around the World in 9 Posters

Many of my students complain about Geography. They are convinced that they don't need to know about Geography and that it won't help them in the years to come. How they came to have this opinion is due, in part, to a lack of exposure. A year or so ago, a dear friend of mine gave me a calendar that had pictures of places around the world. I decided to save the pictures I liked and make posters of them to post in my classroom. I have done that. I explained to my students how lucky we were to live in such a beautiful world and I expressed my hopes that they would be able to see some of that world for themselves. I encouraged them to come and look at the pictures and at least get a glimpse of some of the beauty this world possesses. I thought some of you may like to see yourselves. While you won't be able to distinguish places, you'll be able to get a small idea of what my students will get to look at.I hope you like it.


LeShel said...

I love this. I think a lot of kids don't show interest because, like me, they've been lucky to live in one place all their life and really never left it. The idea of ever traveling somewhere outside of America is unreal. I'm glad you brought pictures of those places to the kids it at least gives them some familiarity and may peak their interest to check it out further.

Katie said...

I am glad to see these, you told Melissa and I about them the other day and I was interested. Thanks for sharing!