Since my days as a full-time missionary, I feel I have been able to better appreciate Easter. In Romania at Easter time, all are greeted with the following salutation: Hristos a înviat! It means, Christ is risen. Upon receiving such a salutation, one responds with Adevărat a înviat. This means, Truly He is risen. I love this manner of greeting people because it serves as a constant reminder that the meaning of Easter, the reason for it's celebration, is because Christ came to earth to save us, he was crucified, and he rose from the grave a resurrected being on the third day. What an awesome gift has been given to us!
A second tradition involved eggs dyed red. Thy are dyed this color as a representation of the blood Christ shed for us. Another reminder of all that has been done for us.
...Adevărat a înviat!
-- Post From My iPhone
I have no idea how to pronounce the beautiful sentence you've shared but I'm certain in Romania they have something wonderful figured out!
Paste fericit, Kirsten! I think you forgot the belief about Sfanta Veronica who carried to eggs to the base of Christ's cross. And that is how the eggs became bloodstained and why they dye them red - at least as far as I recall. A little more colorful description maybe... Have a great spring!
Totally love the picture of the eggs at the bottom of your post! So cute!
I love it! I wish people were more open about Christ here. I downplayed the Easter bunny this year and talked about Christ to my kids. That's really what it's all about.
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