07 October 2009

When the teacher is away...

...some students will play. I went to the Reading Academy yesterday. Any absence on a teacher's part requires a substitute and (may I say right now, all hail to substitutes!) such was the case yesterday while I was away.

Ever since a substitute thanked the heavens for what I do and stated that I was never to call again, I have spent a great deal of any time away from school on a school day worrying about my students' behavior. Yesterday was no exception.

I train my students well. They know, for the most part, my expectations don't change when I am not there. I have set high (but reasonable) standards and I expect my students to comply with those standards.

In order to encourage them and let them know I would be thinking about them, I wrote the following note on the board:

I am happy to report I had mostly excellent reports (sigh of relief) and fr those students who dared be less than they can be...we will be having a wee chat about that today.

Yes, treats were handed out as a reward for good behavior and the negative consequences were severe (all privileges pulled) for those who were less than they should be.

-- Post From My iPhone


Katie said...

I love it! You are such a tropper and hero for being a teacher, I thank you.

foculbrown said...

Whips and carrots. That's behavior management at its best.

Kirsten said...

Thank you, thank you.

LeShel said...

all hail chief!

Mecqae said...

I like the idea. I may just steal it myself.