10 June 2008

The Jordan World Circus 2008

I'm up north in The Gem State visiting my brother and his family for the week. Yesterday, we went to the circus. I mentioned in the previous post that I have been to a circus but have no memory of that. From my brother's home you can walk to the fair grounds in Rexburg. It's a five minute walk. Three adults and 8 kids in tow, we headed out the door and made the trek. Admission for adults was $16. At first I thought perhaps it would be a waste of money. I was completely wrong. Though a small circus, it was a really entertaining one. They had a variety of acts including, bears, elephants, dogs, horse riders, balancing acts, and motorcycles in a globe shaped cage, to name a few. The kids loved it. Well, everything except the clowns. The adults loved it. My final assessment: well worth the $16 I shelled out to attend. I was not disappointed.

My brother, sister-in-law, and Brian at the circus.

The horse riders This guy up in the air is on a pole which is "resting" on the head of the guy on the ground.

1 comment:

Brandon and Jen Jensen said...

You have such cute nieces. That is a great deal on the circus! Glad it was fun! -Jen